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Der Untergang Downfall German With English Subs Torrent

Hi there,I remember a movie,and I believe it was in english,but the main actor was german,he was a famous actor and the nazis looked after him,and put him in charge of the Bayreuth theather (not sure if it was the construction of it).He refused to leave Germany on the grounds that he was an actor,and if he lost his language,he would be left with nothing.He had a black girlfriend (born in Germany)Does anyone here know anything about this movie,or the name of the main actor?I have seen him also in another movie,in the english languge,but I do not recall anything else.Thanks for any information regarding this movie,or the main actor.

der untergang downfall german with english subs torrent


8.generation war: (german) its from a german mini series subs exist EXcELLent story of 5 people 2 boys (brothers)in the german army and 2 girls and a jew very real ive watched this over and over its very real like band of brothers but german.with what happened to the people not in the army WATCH

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